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Today's Top Stories

New South Wales Religious Freedom

Minns vows crackdown on hate speech in NSW

New South Wales Premier Chris Minns says his government will implement law changes to keep the community safe following the latest anti-Semitic attack, including a ban on protests outside religious institutions. Source: Sky News Australia.

Modern Slavery

Anti-slavery commissioner calls for urgent action on forced labour laws

Australia’s anti-slavery commissioner has called on the Albanese Government to urgently address the “inadequacy” of its forced labour laws after revelations that it had allowed thousands of imports from blacklisted Chinese companies. Source: The Guardian.

For The Diary Safeguarding

Renowned safeguarding expert to lecture in Australia

Internationally renowned safeguarding expert Fr Hans Zollner SJ will touch down in Brisbane early next month to embark on a two-week long speaking tour of Australia. Source: ACSL.

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