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Founded Date 1 January 1900
Company Description
Pallotti College, is an initiative of the Trustees of the Society of the Catholic Apostolate (TSCA).
The Society of the Catholic Apostolate, commonly known as the Pallottines, seeks to advance the reign of God by inviting all believers to realise their apostolic vocation – to love God and to shower God’s love on others. Under the protection of Mary, Queen of Apostles, we work to do everything possible for the infinite glory of God. Pallotti College provides a peaceful bushland retreat setting in which members of the Catholic community and other Christian Faiths can explore and deepen their faith and their commitment to Christ and the mission of His Church.
Established by TSCA as a facility to support an expanded retreat program, Pallotti College is a retreat centre for schools, parishes, agencies, religious orders, communities and movements and other groups