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Today's Top Stories

Diplomacy Pope Francis

Pope speaks to ambassadors on ‘a diplomacy of hope’

During the Holy Year 2025, the international community should strive “to overcome the logic of confrontation and embrace instead the logic of encounter”, Pope Francis told ambassadors and other diplomats accredited to the Holy See. Source: CNS.

Disability Mental Health

Labor invests $42m in nation’s first national autism strategy

Labor is investing $42 million in a nation-first plan to improve the lives of autistic Australians, with a new push to boost scientific research and give neurodiverse people more peer support. Source: The Australian. 


Deacon reflects on his journey to the priesthood

Deacon Ashan Peiris is preparing for his ordination to the priesthood at St Mary’s Cathedral in Hobart next month. Source: Hobart Archdiocese.

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