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Catholic Education Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn


  • Founded Date 14 November 2024

Company Description

Catholic Education Canberra Goulburn is the system of 56 primary and secondary schools across the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn.

We are faith-filled Catholic learning communities of hope, joy, and wonder, where all are welcome and inspired to grow to their God-given potential.

Jesus Christ, our greatest teacher, calls us to share and witness to our Catholic faith and tradition, build inclusive communities and deliver quality learning opportunities for every child.

We provide more than 26,000 students with a low-fee Catholic education in schools and colleges in the ACT and NSW. Our nine early learning centres in the ACT offer children a secure start to their education and a smooth transition to primary school.

Our schools take a practical and evidence-based approach to teaching and learning, providing the education our students and families deserve. We focus on quality learning materials, impactful lessons, and best-practice assessments to deliver excellent learning experiences.

National tests suggest that one-third of primary school children can’t read well. In our schools, our approach to reading is successfully seeing all children reading competently through in-class instruction based on explicit instruction and high-impact teaching practice. Every child who needs extra help receives the intervention and support they need. We are well on our way to ensuring every student in a CECG school becomes a confident reader.

The Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn covers 88,000 square kilometres of the Act and NSW, extending from Pambula on the south coast to Crookwell in the north and to the western point of Lake Cargelligo.