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Emerging Futures Collaborative Ltd


  • Founded Date 3 June 2021

Company Description

Emerging Futures Collaborative Limited (EFCL) has been established to put in place appropriate governance and management initiatives for religious institutes moving towards completion, and is a response to current circumstances and trends within Religious life in Australia which need to be acknowledged, addressed and planned for.

The aims of EFCL are to:

  1. Be a mission led structure, holding the charism of each congregation within the charism of religious life.

  2. Meet the needs of Religious Institutes in transition.

  3. Meet the needs of Religious Institute members within the transitioning Religious Institutes.

  4. Facilitate Religious Institute ownership of and trust in, their own transition and the new structure.

  5. Be ‘Religious Institute focused’ providing services and support in keeping with a tailored ‘service and support agreement’ with each Religious Institute.

  6. Proclaim a new way of living religious life.