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Founded Date 1 January 2015
Company Description
Progressively expanding access to high quality, inclusive education within our Loreto Schools and providing leadership in response to contemporary needs.
Established in 2015 by the Australia and South East Asia Province of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (IBVM), Loreto Ministries is a not-for-profit public company responsible for the governance of seven Loreto Catholic schools in Australia, two associated schools, and Loreto Vietnam.
Loreto Ministries aims to build upon the mission of the Loreto Province of Australia and South East Asia and ensure ongoing sustainability across two key areas of practice, overseeing education and developing operations.
Each school has a unique spirit underpinned by the values of the Gospel and the charism of Mary Ward. Our vast network of friends, including both past and present students, continue to contribute enormously to Australian society and the Church in a myriad of ways.