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Founded Date 15 September 2023
Company Description
MWIA is the Australian and international development organisation of the Loreto Sisters.
Through providing much-needed resources, we support the Sisters and those in our Loreto broader community to assist where the need is greatest.
Inspired by the founder of the Loreto Sisters, Mary Ward, MWIA is committed to working towards a just world where women share leadership, children thrive, and communities live in harmony with each other and the Earth.
We are dedicated to supporting women and children to receive the education, skills and support they need to transform their lives and the world around them. We believe helping them reach their potential is one of the single best investments we can make to end poverty.
Making change happen on a global scale
Mary Ward International Australia is part of a global network. Together we work with Loreto Sisters across 23 countries to create just and sustainable change with women, children and communities.