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Mater Christi College

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  • Founded Date 13 June 1963

Company Description

Mater Christi College is a single campus Catholic Secondary School for Girls, located in Belgrave, in the outer eastern region of Melbourne.  It was established in 1963 by the Sisters of the Good Samaritan and is now governed under Good Samaritan Education.   It is systemically funded through the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria.

While many students are Catholic and from Catholic families, all students embrace the opportunity to participate in an active faith community and are challenged to learn in an environment imbued with the values of inclusivity, compassion and justice so that students will develop a love of learning, embrace leadership experiences and participate in community service.

The College has excelled in providing unique opportunities for students to develop their potential – academically, spiritually, physically and emotionally.  As a community dedicated to the education of girls, the College has committed to ensuring opportunities for future leadership, cultural experiences, community service, sporting activities and creative achievements.