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CathNews, the most frequently visited Catholic website in Australia, is your daily news service featuring Catholics and Catholicism from home and around the world, Mass on Demand and on line, prayer, meditation, reflections, opinion, and reviews. And, what's more - it's free!
Founded Date 1 January 2020
Company Description
At Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd (MACS) we envision every student to be inspired and enabled to flourish and enrich the world. MACS is the largest Catholic school system in Australia. We own, govern and operate approximately 300 Catholic schools, employ over 16,000 staff and serve more than 112,000 students and their families in the Archdiocese of Melbourne. It is an exciting time to join MACS, where we are transforming to bring to life our recently launched strategic plan: MACS 2030: forming lives to enrich the world.