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Founded Date 19 January 2024
Company Description
MercyCare is here to support people throughout life’s journey as a leading Western Australian not-for-profit provider of aged care, early learning, disability services and family and community services.
We support Western Australian families and communities:
- our smallest members through early learning centres
- young people through fostering, accommodation, and wellness
- vulnerable families through housing and support
- new Australians through multicultural services
- Kimberley communities through accommodation
- our senior members through aged care services
MercyCare Currently Consists Of
1450 passionate staff, and
166 volunteers, with
25 services offered in
24 locations across Western Australia
We are committed to safeguarding and protecting children, young people, and the vulnerable and inspiring a culture that truly embraces and celebrates diversity. With more than a 170-year legacy extending back to the Sisters of Mercy, today we stand proud to make a positive difference.
Why do we do it?
We do it because of the strong values inherited from our founders. We do it because we want to create positive change. We are privileged to see the positive impact our organisation has upon communities and will continue working towards ensuring our services are of outstanding quality and accessible to a wider society.
The Western Australian community is our community. It is at the heart of everything we do.
What do we believe?
As an impassioned organisation, we have the confidence and conviction to stand by what we believe in. We believe that every person matters, that compassion and justice is a motivating, actionable force that can make a difference in our communities.