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Committee Support Manager – Canberra based, St Vincent de Paul Society (ACT)

in Administration
  • Post Date : 20 December 2024
  • Apply Before : 20 January 2025
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Job Description

The Committee Support Manager will work closely with and be responsible to the Chief Executive Officer or his delegate for the following key responsibilities:

  1. Provide secretariate services that support, coordinate and assist the management of activities conducted by committees and, where required, to proactively ensure responses meet deadlines;
  2. Regarding the committees supported, develop and oversee the implementation and evaluation of administrative practices, systems, procedures and communications to optimise secretariate efficiency and support the achievement of quality outcomes;
  3. Provide management and coordination of meetings – online and in situ.
  4. Prepare, manage, and review the provision of high-level communications and correspondence including briefings, reports, submissions and notes to ensure the comprehensiveness, accuracy and timeliness of written information;
  5. Maintain the Society’s records, including the appropriate storage (e.g. minutes) and upkeep of relevant registers and information systems to ensure corporate knowledge is maintained;
  6. Other duties may be required, as directed, commensurate with skills and abilities.

Please submit all applications with a cover letter and CV.

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