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Director of Mission and Pastoral Life, Diocese of Broome (WA)

in Diocese , in Mission
  • Post Date : 3 February 2025
  • Apply Before : 21 February 2025
  • Salary: Negotiable
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Job Description


POSITION TITLE                 : Director of Mission and Pastoral Life

REMUNERATION SCALE       : As agreed to with Bishop of Broome and Diocesan Finance       Administrator

REPORTS TO                       : Bishop of Broome


FULL TIME EQUIVALENT      : 1.00 FTE Ongoing

HOURS PER WEEK              : Thirty-seven and one half (37.5)

LOCATION                          : Broome

AUTHORISED BY                 : Bishop of Broome, Diocese of Broome

DATE                                 : 30 January 2025

Primary Objectives

The Director of Mission and Pastoral Life  works with the clergy, laity and agencies of the Diocese of Broome to promote and animate the Mission of the Diocese.  This will involve the progression of a visible commitment to justice, reconciliation and peace in our land.

Major Accountabilities

Work closely with the Bishop and key agencies within the Diocese to facilitate major events (eg. Diocesan Gathering, Mass of the Oils, Pentecost etc).  These events will promote the Mission and Vision of the Diocese of Broome.  Much of this will be in the light of the Synod on Synodality and Australia’s Plenary Council.


In collaboration with the Diocesan Financial Administrator recruiting and managing volunteers across the Diocese.


Work with First Nations Catholic communities across the Diocese to establish and support an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council for the Diocese of Broome.

Support parishes and agencies to create and implement pastoral plans in the context of the Diocesan Mission Statement and in the light of the Decrees of the Plenary Council.

To coordinate safeguarding across the Diocese.  This includes ensuring all parishes and agencies are compliant with Diocesan Safeguarding policy.  The Pastoral Projects Officer will work as directed by the Bishop to respond to any enquires from legal firms and the Western Australian Office for Professional Standards.  They will also work with the Perth Archdiocesan Safeguarding Coordinator to ensure that the Diocese of Broome has the highest standards of safeguarding for children and vulnerable adults.

To build on current initiatives creating a sense of community and collegiality across the Diocese.  This would be done in partnership with parish and agency leaders as well as drawing on the gifts and talents of Diocesan volunteers.

Creating projects and initiatives which are in line with the Teachings of the Church and reflect the goals and vision of the Plenary Council Decrees.

Working with current Diocesan agencies to use online and other media as a way of creating a sense of community across the Diocese.  Act as administrator on Diocesan Facebook page.  Publish a quarterly Diocesan newsletter.  Provide Bishop with media advice as required.

Facilitating and leading a weekly Chancery Meeting.

Other duties as required by Bishop of Broome


Organisational Environment

The Diocese of Broome is a faith community which serves the Mission of the Church. It is committed to justice, reconciliation and peace in our land. Those who serve this mission proclaim the Good News and witness to the liberating power of Christ in all they say and do. The Diocese of Broome covers over 773,000 Sq Km of the greater Kimberley region and serves a population of over 50,000. It includes 9 Parishes, 13 Catholic schools, Centacare Kimberley and Notre Dame University.

Risk and Work Health and Safety

Observe safe work practices in accordance with training and instruction given and report any risk to your immediate supervisor. Risks arising in the workplace may be financial, site, task or person specific or related to safety.

Comply with Diocesan corporate work health and safety practices.

Identify, report and where appropriate, action risks/hazards in order to eliminate or mitigate against the risk recurring.

Participate in the consultative processes provided by the Diocese.


To the extent that it applies to this position:

Comply with best practice for safeguarding of children and vulnerable people in accordance with established laws, standards and organisation procedures.

Promote and implement safeguarding training (including induction and ongoing training), safeguarding practices and record-keeping within the agency.

Key Communications

Bishop of Broome

Diocesan Finance Administrator

Agencies within the Diocese (eg Catholic Education Office, Centacare Kimberley)

Diocesan Clergy and Pastoral Leaders

Parish and school leadership personnel

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council (NATSICC) delegates and other key leaders within the Kimberley First Nations Community

Other external contacts:  eg Agencies of the Australian Conference of Bishops.

Accountability (Independence and Influence)

The Director of Mission and Pastoral Life  is accountable to the Bishop of Broome

The Director of Mission and Pastoral Life  will work closely with the Diocesan Finance Administrator to create and work within a budget designed to best bring about goals of the role.

The Director of Mission and Pastoral Life  will establish and work with a reference group which will provide guidance and direction for the role.

The Director of Mission and Pastoral Life  will make all decisions about the day-to-day project work within established policies, procedures and delegated authority.

The Director of Mission and Pastoral Life will refer all decisions to the Bishop of Broome for approval that are outside established policies and procedures or delegated authority.

Job Environment

The Director of Mission and Pastoral Life  will be based in the offices of the Broome Chancery.  Resources including IT equipment and transport will be provided to enable the work of the Director of Mission and Pastoral Care  to be undertaken.  The Director will work collegially with all Diocesan Staff based at the Chancery Offices.


The Director of Mission and Pastoral Life  is required to make decisions that are aligned with the Mission and Vision of the Diocese of Broome.  The role is designed to support the People of God in the Kimberley as they work together to bring about the Reign of God.


Meeting deadlines in the hosting of events across the Diocese.

Listening deeply to the joys and hopes, griefs and anxiety of the diverse communities across the Kimberley.

Working for healing for those hurt from historical practises within and outside of the Church community.

Knowledge, Skills and Experience

Working knowledge of and demonstrated commitment to the Catholic Church and its teachings.

Understanding of the unique beauty, strengths and challenges faced in a remote and regional Diocese.

Tertiary qualification in theology, social sciences, economics or other academic field such as Catholic Social Teaching with relevance to the mandate and objectives of the organisation.

Familiarity with government institutions and the processes of policy advocacy.

High level research and writing and editing skills.

Demonstrated experience working in complex, collaborative structures.

Demonstrated knowledge of Microsoft Windows operating systems and Microsoft Office applications software.


Position Impact

The Director of Mission and Pastoral Life manages the Office budget and will supervise or manager other projects

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