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This page on the CathNews website is a service for Church organisations listed in the Directory of the Catholic Church in Australia.

Bishops or other official Church agencies who have a media release or statement, or would like to make a statement in reply to a news item, should send their media releases to CathNews by 6am for inclusion in that day’s edition.

For consideration for inclusion, please send your release or statement to the Editor-in-Chief of CathNews at [email protected].

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pdf 221216 – NCEC – Catholic education welcomes holistic review of education including the National School Reform Agreement ( 179 KB )
pdf 221216 – NCEC – National Teacher Workforce Action Plan to focus on immediate and future teacher workforce needs ( 199 KB )
pdf 221216 – ACU – ACU welcomes National Teacher Workforce Action Plan ( 65 KB )
pdf 221216 – CRA – CRA urges global leaders at COP15 to protect biodiversity ( 189 KB )
pdf 221216 – CHA – Catholic Health Australia supports fair pay for aged care workers now ( 121 KB )
pdf 221215 – CRA – CRA applauds major reforms to Australia’s environment laws ( 142 KB )
pdf 221215 – MACS – Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools launches new brand and visual identity ( 218 KB )
pdf 221214 – ACU – Leadership formation can strengthen the mission of Catholic organisations ( 96 KB )
pdf 221214 – Caritas Australia – Caritas Australia’s Christmas Appeal celebrates the Joy of a Child’s Smile ( 95 KB )
pdf 221214 – CHA – Catholic Health Australia welcomes announcement of mandatory funding of surgical items as sensible reform ( 121 KB )
pdf 221214 – Catholic Education Diocese of Cairns – Newman Catholic College Stage Two ( 430 KB )
pdf 221213 – ACU – Royal Commission anniversary highlights the need to also safeguard children in non institutional family settings ( 111 KB )
pdf 221213 – Jesuit Mission – Help build a chicken farm this Christmas ( 200 KB )
pdf 221213 – Catholic Cemeteries and Cremetoria – Construction Commences At Macarthur Memorial Park In Varroville ( 104 KB )
pdf 221213 – CSSA – Home owners are hit hard, so too are renters ( 180 KB )
pdf 221212 – Catholic Schools Broken Bay – Broken Bay continues to transform Catholic Education ( 170 KB )
pdf 221212 – CSSA – The Voice and Keating’s Redfern speech three decades later ( 175 KB )
pdf 221210 ACN Interview with Bishop Mykola Bychok from the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy ( 157 KB )
pdf 221210 – CSSA – Power bills for low income earners to fall after Commonwealth and state governments agree to subsidies ( 169 KB )
pdf 221210 – ACAN – Modern Slavery Featured in Perth Christmas Concert ( 258 KB )