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This page on the CathNews website is a service for Church organisations listed in the Directory of the Catholic Church in Australia.

Bishops or other official Church agencies who have a media release or statement, or would like to make a statement in reply to a news item, should send their media releases to CathNews by 6am for inclusion in that day’s edition.

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pdf 240314 – Wagga Wagga Diocese – Archbishop Francis ‘Frank’ Carroll – A Life Remembered ( 2.77 MB )
pdf 240314 – Catholic Schools NSW – Research confirms parental choice in education saves taxpayers billions ( 144 KB )
pdf 240313 – NCEC – Catholic education welcomes all schools in the NT reaching full and fair funding ( 177 KB )
pdf 240313 – CEWA – State census shows more students enrolling at WA Catholic Schools ( 117 KB )
pdf 240308 – Caritas Australia – Caritas resource applies Church teachings to furthering women’s participation and leadership ( 182 KB )
pdf 240308 – CHA – Boost pay to fix workforce shortages in aged care ( 141 KB )
pdf 240308 – Jesuit Mission – Pili, an inspirational leader for International Women’s Day ( 348 KB )
pdf 240307 – CRA – CRA Calls for Strengthened Protections for Sea Country ( 188 KB )
pdf 240308 – ACBC – International Women's Day March 8 2024 ( 216 KB )
pdf 240301 – CatholicCare Wilcannia Forbes – Broken Hill Children’s Contact Service delivers for separated families ( 159 KB )
pdf 240307 – Townsville Catholic Education – Turning of the Sod and Blessing of Mary Help of Christians Catholic College ( 430 KB )
pdf 240306 – CSNSW – Catholic Schools NSW appoints Danielle Cronin as Deputy CEO ( 179 KB )
pdf 240306 – Caritas Australia – Caritas Australia joins faith based agencies to campaign for a Safer World for All ( 156 KB )
pdf 240304 – Caritas Australia – Project Compassion delivers clean water to Leaia and her family in Samoa ( 481 KB )
pdf 240304 – ACU – Education specialist Kelly Humphrey will be ACU’s first Pro Vice Chancellor Indigenous ( 158 KB )
pdf 240304 – Catholic Schools NSW – Catholic Schools NSW to launch its Connected Catholic Communities Symposium & Masterclass ( 161 KB )
pdf 240304 – VMCH – Mavis reflects on a century International Women’s Day ( 118 KB )
pdf 240229 – UNDA – New OT course addresses workforce shortage ( 105 KB )
pdf 240229 – ACAN – ACAN advocacy wins bipartisan support for slavery survivors ( 195 KB )
pdf 240228 – ACSL – Audit shows key safeguarding requirements being met in Catholic Diocese of Maitland Newcastle ( 230 KB )