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This page on the CathNews website is a service for Church organisations listed in the Directory of the Catholic Church in Australia.

Bishops or other official Church agencies who have a media release or statement, or would like to make a statement in reply to a news item, should send their media releases to CathNews by 6am for inclusion in that day’s edition.

For consideration for inclusion, please send your release or statement to the Editor-in-Chief of CathNews at [email protected].

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pdf 230613 – Mercy Community – Logix Engineering Refugee Work Placements ( 133 KB )
pdf 230607 – Jesuit Mission – The courage to flee war torn Ukraine ( 239 KB )
pdf 230607 – CHA – Catholic Health Australia welcomes opportunity to help fix aged care funding through new taskforce ( 145 KB )
pdf 230607 – ACU – Nursing student who became Catholic at Easter Vigil preparing for first World Youth Day ( 150 KB )
pdf 230606 – UNDA – Notre Dame Sends Students on Life Changing Journey to World Youth Day 2023 ( 147 KB )
pdf 230605 – NATSICC – NATSICC launches new website on the Indigenous Voice to Parliament ( 266 KB )
pdf 230605 – VMCH – Build a Shed – build a future ( 111 KB )
pdf 230531 – NCEC – ‘End this payroll tax grab’, Catholic Education says ( 163 KB )
pdf 230531 – Maronite Eparchy – Maronite Eparchy celebrates ten year anniversary of Eparch’s Episcopal Ordination ( 191 KB )
pdf 230531 – Catholic Schools Broken Bay – Empowering the staff vote Catholic Schools Broken Bay’s New Enterprise Agreement Receives Resounding Staff Support ( 200 KB )
pdf 230531 – Caritas Australia – Australians want to see more government support for the Stolen Generations this Reconciliation Week ( 123 KB )
pdf 230530 – Marist Schools Australia – Marist Schools Australia Assistant Principals’ Conference Leadership in a Synodal Church ( 142 KB )
pdf 230530 – Caritas Australia – Caritas Australia expresses support for Voice to Parliament ( 113 KB )
pdf 230530 – Darwin Diocese – Historic Ordination of First Filipino Priest in the Northern Territory After Three Decades ( 171 KB )
pdf 230530 – ACBC and CRA – Statement regarding Catholic Church Insurance Ltd run off ( 228 KB )
pdf 230530 – Syro-Malabar Eparchy – Syro-Malabar Eparchy of St Thomas the Apostle Melbourne Prepares for the Episcopal Ordination and Installation of Rev Fr John Panamathottathil CMI ( 81 KB )
pdf 230529 – CECV – Payroll tax will hit moderate fee Catholic schools and parents ( 179 KB )
pdf 230528 – ACBC – New guide supports local reflection on Plenary Council outcomes ( 259 KB )
pdf 230526 – ACAN – McMillan Review Recommendations to strengthen Modern Slavery Act ( 392 KB )
pdf 230525 – Catholic Mission – Youth Optimism Fuels Transformation in Timor Leste The Role of Vocational Education for the Future of the Nation ( 165 KB )