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This page on the CathNews website is a service for Church organisations listed in the Directory of the Catholic Church in Australia.

Bishops or other official Church agencies who have a media release or statement, or would like to make a statement in reply to a news item, should send their media releases to CathNews by 6am for inclusion in that day’s edition.

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pdf 230525 – ACU – Strengths based approach by teachers the key to boosting students’ mathematical identity and countering deficit thinking – expert ( 196 KB )
pdf 230525 – ACBC – Fr Chris de Souza named general secretary of Bishops Conference ( 236 KB )
pdf 230525 – ACI – ACI webinar James Franklin on Catholic Social Justice and the Labor Party 1900 1940 ( 292 KB )
pdf 230524 – Brisbane Archdiocese – Bishop Ken Howell announced as New Bishop of Toowoomba ( 122 KB )
pdf 230524 – Southern Cross Care – Commitment to Laudato si’ Action Platform 2023 ( 134 KB )
pdf 230524 – Mercy Partners – Mercy Partners Annual Indigenous Encounter Day ( 104 KB )
pdf 230524 – Jesuit Mission – Jesuit Mission Webinar Hope for Families Fleeing Ukraine ( 372 KB )
pdf 230524 – EREA – Edmund Rice Education Australia Appoints National Executive Director ( 65 KB )
pdf 230524 – NCEC – Victorian government’s unprecedented payroll tax on non government schools puts pressure on families and teacher workforce ( 153 KB )
pdf 230524 – CECV – Catholic education Victoria seeks urgent talks on payroll tax ( 167 KB )
pdf 230524 – ACAN – 41,000 People in Modern Slavery in Australia ( 148 KB )
pdf 230524 – ACBC – Bishop Ken Howell appointed seventh Bishop of Toowoomba ( 191 KB )
pdf 230524 – Toowoomba Diocese – Pope Francis names new Bishop for Toowoomba ( 238 KB )
pdf 230523 – ACU – Offering spiritual direction to teachers could transform Catholic school communities ( 112 KB )
pdf 230522 – VMCH – “Absurd” planning decision fails retirees ( 228 KB )
pdf 230518 – Stella Maris – Catholic Anglican bishops support Top End ministry to seafarers ( 93 KB )
pdf 230518 – ACU – Giringai man Uncle James Wilson Miller dedicates Honorary Doctorate to Grandmother Jean ( 150 KB )
pdf 230517 – Caritas Australia – Hundreds feared dead after Cyclone Mocha in Myanmar and Bangladesh ( 115 KB )
pdf 230516 – Caritas Australia – Caritas Australia CEO Kirsty Robertson elected Vice President of Caritas Internationalis ( 112 KB )
pdf 230516 – VMCH – Palliative care: living and dying well ( 110 KB )