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This page on the CathNews website is a service for Church organisations listed in the Directory of the Catholic Church in Australia.

Bishops or other official Church agencies who have a media release or statement, or would like to make a statement in reply to a news item, should send their media releases to CathNews by 6am for inclusion in that day’s edition.

For consideration for inclusion, please send your release or statement to the Editor-in-Chief of CathNews at [email protected].

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pdf 230516 – ACU – ACU Centre for Liturgy launches Australian first liturgy podcast ( 100 KB )
pdf 230516 – ACU – ACU partners with Harvard to examine the good life ( 96 KB )
pdf 230515 – CAPSA – CAPSA welcomes positive measures but urges more work to be done ( 156 KB )
pdf 230515 – Caritas Australia – Caritas Internationalis welcomes its 13th president ( 110 KB )
pdf 230512 – Australian Embassy to the Holy See – Renowned Aboriginal elder journeys from the Australian bush to the Vatican to speak about faith, spirituality and reconciliation ( 338 KB )
pdf 230512 – Darwin Diocese – New Diocesan Logo Unveiled by Bishop Charles Gauci ( 505 KB )
pdf 230512 – CSSV and CSSA – Catholic Social Services launch joint webinar series on Indigenous Voice to Parliament ( 287 KB )
pdf 230511 – ACU – Priest and anthropologist who asks the tough questions to be awarded ACU’s highest honour ( 163 KB )
pdf 230511 – ACBC – Statement regarding an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice ( 234 KB )
pdf 230510 – Calvary – ACT Government acquisition Calvary Public Hospital Bruce ( 367 KB )
pdf 230510 – CSSA – May Federal Budget A Solid Step Up For Vulnerable Australians ( 693 KB )
pdf 230510 – ACU – Budget measures to upskill early childhood workers welcome – ACU ( 157 KB )
pdf 230510 – Catholic Action – Calvary Hospital ( 137 KB )
pdf 230510 – Catholic Health Australia – ACT's abrupt move to seize hospital is disruptive and unnecessary ( 107 KB )
pdf 230511 – ACAN – Anti Modern Slavery Budget Measures ( 141 KB )
pdf 230511 – ACRATH – ACRATH celebrates milestone advocacy success ( 191 KB )
pdf 230509 – Caritas Australia – Caritas Australia urges continued focus on the world’s most vulnerable ( 163 KB )
pdf 230509 – ACU – ACU health expert tips on living stronger and longer at free seminar ( 157 KB )
pdf 230509 – Jesuit Ignatian Spirituality Australia – IM23 The Ignatian Event of the Year Returns for 2023 ( 103 KB )
pdf 230508 – Caritas Australia – Caritas Australia welcomes humanitarian funding for Sudan ( 119 KB )