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This page on the CathNews website is a service for Church organisations listed in the Directory of the Catholic Church in Australia.

Bishops or other official Church agencies who have a media release or statement, or would like to make a statement in reply to a news item, should send their media releases to CathNews by 6am for inclusion in that day’s edition.

For consideration for inclusion, please send your release or statement to the Editor-in-Chief of CathNews at [email protected].

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pdf 230216 – AMPJP – AMPJP endorses Uluru Statement From The Heart ( 125 KB )
pdf 230215 – FCBCO – The oceans of the world are interwoven with the future hopes of all peoples ( 188 KB )
pdf 230215- Maronite Eparchy – Maronite Eparchy of Australia celebrates 50 Years since official establishment, welcomes the relics of Lebanese and Australian Saints ( 211 KB )
pdf 230215 – CHA – Catholic Health Australia calls for industry wide visa sponsorships in aged care to address workforce crisis ( 125 KB )
pdf 230215 – AMEC – Statement by the Australasian Middle East Christian Apostolic Churches concerning the quakes in Turkey and Syria ( 163 KB )
pdf 230215 – ACRATH – Students respond to Pope Francis’ call ( 238 KB )
pdf 230215 – Jesuit Social Services – Jesuit Social Services welcomes announcement signalling end of temporary protection policy and concrete pathways to permanency ( 134 KB )
pdf 230213 – MacKillop Family Services – Continuing the journey MacKillop launches its second Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan ( 150 KB )
pdf 230214 – ACN – ACN mobilises 770,000 AUD for immediate aid to Syria ( 1.77 MB )
pdf 230213 – UNDA – Notre Dame graduates among the most job ready in the country ( 109 KB )
pdf 230213 – JRS Australia – JRS Australia Celebrates Pathways to Permanency for Refugees with Temporary Protection ( 115 KB )
pdf 230213 – ERC – Permanent Protection Pathway Long Overdue ( 631 KB )
pdf 230213- CRA – An end to temporary protection policy; a step in the right direction ( 140 KB )
pdf 230213 – Catholic Mission – Catholic Mission is standing in solidarity with the Church to provide pastoral and practical support to the people of Turkey and Syria ( 295 KB )
pdf 230210 – CHA – NSW Premier pays tribute to Catholic health sector on World Day of the Sick ( 128 KB )
pdf 230210- ACN – Emergency appeal for earthquake victims ( 83 KB )
pdf 230210 – Broken Bay Diocese – Broken Bay Anthony Randazzo elected Oceania president ( 374 KB )
pdf 230210 – Catholic Education Rockhampton – New Era for Catholic Education in Diocese of Rockhampton ( 171 KB )
pdf 230210 – FCBCO – Bishops name new president for Oceania Federation ( 152 KB )
pdf 230210 – FCBCO – Bishops will carry shared mission home from Oceania assembly ( 187 KB )