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This page on the CathNews website is a service for Church organisations listed in the Directory of the Catholic Church in Australia.

Bishops or other official Church agencies who have a media release or statement, or would like to make a statement in reply to a news item, should send their media releases to CathNews by 6am for inclusion in that day’s edition.

For consideration for inclusion, please send your release or statement to the Editor-in-Chief of CathNews at [email protected].

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pdf 230201 – L'Arche Australia – L’Arche Australia 31st January 2023 ( 142 KB )
pdf 230201 – CCI Giving – Applications open for Communities Taking Steps grants ( 123 KB )
pdf 230201 – Australian Cardijn Institute – YCW Centenary 2025 Perspectives from Oceania Call for Contributors ( 516 KB )
pdf 230131 – St Vincent de Paul Society – Amazon helps Vinnies supply 1000 students with back to school essentials ( 114 KB )
pdf 230131 – NCEC – Proposed reforms to discrimination legislation would make it impossible for Catholic schools to be free to be Catholic ( 121 KB )
pdf 230130 – CSSA – May Federal Budget looks to address entrenched disadvantage final ( 226 KB )
pdf 230127 – MACS – 155,000 students return to Melbourne Catholic Schools ( 200 KB )
pdf 230127- CSSA – Albanese Government makes good start for the dispossessed ( 183 KB )
pdf 230127 – ACU – High quality, comprehensive teaching degrees should not be compromised by well intentioned, short term solutions ( 84 KB )
pdf 230125 – Sisters of St Joseph – Sisters Celebrate Diamond Jubilee 60 Years of Religious Life ( 288 KB )
pdf 230125 – Catholic Mission – Nilan's Story A powerful reminder of the importance of supporting missionary work in Sri Lanka ( 191 KB )
pdf 230125 – St John of God Foundation – St John of God Foundation announces new Board members ( 125 KB )
pdf 230124 – CHA – Catholic Health Australia outlines social justice priorities for the year ahead ( 126 KB )
pdf 230124 – JSS – New youth justice spending data highlights effectiveness of restorative justice programs ( 182 KB )
pdf 230123 – Salesians – Fr William Matthews of the Salesians of Don Bosco presents: A Year to Celebrate ( 172 KB )
pdf 230123 – ACU – Study reveals new digital divide among students based on triad of influences – self efficacy, gender, and SES ( 133 KB )
pdf 230123 – CHA – Catholic Health Australia calls for national anti slavery commissioner ( 138 KB )
pdf 230120 – Catholic Education Diocese of Rockhampton – Media Release Careers Assistance Program (CAP) ( 162 KB )
pdf 230120 – NCEC – Cuts to HELP debt for Australia’s most remote teachers an important move ( 187 KB )
pdf 230118 – SOSJ – Sisters celebrate 50 years of religious life ( 348 KB )