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This page on the CathNews website is a service for Church organisations listed in the Directory of the Catholic Church in Australia.

Bishops or other official Church agencies who have a media release or statement, or would like to make a statement in reply to a news item, should send their media releases to CathNews by 6am for inclusion in that day’s edition.

For consideration for inclusion, please send your release or statement to the Editor-in-Chief of CathNews at [email protected].

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pdf 221208 – Hobart Archdiocese – Newly restored St Mary’s Cathedral reopened and blessed ( 106 KB )
pdf 221208 – ACU – Protecting the people of Oceania from marine threats requires science and human dialogue ( 104 KB )
pdf 221207 – Broken Bay Diocese – Broken Bay Diocesan director for vocations new vice rector of seminary ( 128 KB )
pdf 221207 – CRA – CRA welcomes the passing of the Secure Jobs, Better Pay Bill ( 143 KB )
pdf 221207 – ACU – Religion not lost on students of trial RE program ( 130 KB )
pdf 221207 – CHA – Health Minister should place health insurance premiums in the hands of independent experts, says Catholic Health Australia ( 147 KB )
pdf 221207 – CSSA – Nearly a fifth of low income earners paying more than half their income in private rent ( 170 KB )
pdf 221207 – ACSL – Catholic Church makes safety of adults at risk key priority with adoption of new national safeguarding standards ( 216 KB )
pdf 221102 – St Vincent de Paul Society – Payday loans and consumer lease protections welcome ( 101 KB )
pdf 221205 – ACU – $6.9m funding to provide support for caregivers raising children with disabilities ( 79 KB )
pdf 221205 -St Vincent de Paul Society – International Volunteer Day ( 124 KB )
pdf 221201 – ACSL – St Columbans Mission Society safeguarding audit report shows child safety taken seriously ( 213 KB )
pdf 221202 – ACAN – UN International Day for the Abolition of Slavery 2 December Australian Catholic Anti slavery Network ( 368 KB )
pdf 221201 – Caritas Australia – Australian Ambassador for Ukraine visits Caritas Australia’s partner CRS Moldova ( 94 KB )
pdf 221201 – CSBB – Catholic Schools Broken Bay presents 22 teacher education students with inaugural Exemplary Pre-service Teacher Incentive Program Awards ( 152 KB )
pdf 221130 – Caritas Australia – Caritas Australia holds Thank You Day for supporters across Australia ( 91 KB )
pdf 221130 – Jesuit Mission – Bringing light to the darkness in Myanmar ( 328 KB )
pdf 221129 – ACN – Two Catholic priests arrested by Russian militia in Donetsk ( 143 KB )
pdf 221129 – CRA and ACRATH – CRA and ACRATH appeal to Government to strengthen Modern Slavery legislation ( 228 KB )
pdf 221128 – CSSA – New support payment review panel game changer for people living below poverty line ( 162 KB )