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This page on the CathNews website is a service for Church organisations listed in the Directory of the Catholic Church in Australia.

Bishops or other official Church agencies who have a media release or statement, or would like to make a statement in reply to a news item, should send their media releases to CathNews by 6am for inclusion in that day’s edition.

For consideration for inclusion, please send your release or statement to the Editor-in-Chief of CathNews at [email protected].

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pdf 221103 – ACU – ACU welcomes Draft National Teacher Action Plan ( 60 KB )
pdf 221102 -Melbourne YCS – Melbourne YCS Announces New Membership and Structure to Promote Social Justice and Catholic Social Teaching ( 122 KB )
pdf 221102 – UNDA – Studying at Notre Dame now a ticket to the world ( 181 KB )
pdf 221102 – ACU – Program boosts pre service teachers’ spirituality and skills ( 134 KB )
pdf 221101 – Jesuit Mission – Jesuit Mission Webinar Water the Gift of Life ( 335 KB )
pdf 221101 – ROSIES – Friends on the street celebrates helping Queenslanders for 35 years ( 170 KB )
pdf 221030 – ACU – ACU faith formation experts inspire education leaders in UK, Ireland to evangelise in schools ( 91 KB )
pdf 221028 – CHA – Catholic Health Australia calls for default benefits for at-home care ( 126 KB )
pdf 221028 – CAPSA – CAPSA welcomes support for refugees, remains deeply concerned about spending on offshore detention [17] ( 189 KB )
pdf 221026 – CSSA – Budget meets key election commitments while signalling social service networks won’t be left behind ( 176 KB )
pdf 221026 – ACU – ACU funds projects for Catholic non profits to empower Australians who experience vulnerability ( 99 KB )
pdf 221025 – Jesuit Refugee Service – Australia Should Stop Pressuring Traumatised Refugees to Make Major Resettlement Decisions Without Adequate Support ( 52 KB )
pdf 221025 – CHA – A welcome down payment on on future aged care reform ( 135 KB )
pdf 221025 – NCEC – Federal Budget Labor’s first budget shows a commitment to teacher workforce, early childhood and student wellbeing says Catholic education ( 190 KB )
pdf 221025 – Caritas Australia – Caritas Australia welcomes increase in foreign aid from Labor Government ( 95 KB )
pdf 221024 – CHA – Catholic Health Australia points to worrying trend in health insurer extravagance while spending on policy holders languishes ( 124 KB )
pdf 221024 – CSSA – CSSA welcomes more than half a billion in extra funding for social services sector ( 162 KB )
pdf 221024 – ACN – At least 840,000 people from 140 countries pray for peace and unity ( 128 KB )
pdf 221024 – ACN – At least 840,000 people from 140 countries pray for peace and unity ( 128 KB )
pdf 221024 – VMCH – Aged care workers band together during Victorian floods ( 119 KB )