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This page on the CathNews website is a service for Church organisations listed in the Directory of the Catholic Church in Australia.

Bishops or other official Church agencies who have a media release or statement, or would like to make a statement in reply to a news item, should send their media releases to CathNews by 6am for inclusion in that day’s edition.

For consideration for inclusion, please send your release or statement to the Editor-in-Chief of CathNews at [email protected].

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pdf 240410 – ACU – ACU opens new metabolic chamber the only one of its kind in southern hemisphere ( 181 KB )
pdf 240409 – VMCH – Blessing of Ready to Launch House ( 75 KB )
pdf 240409 – Jesuit Mission – Jesuit Mission Australia and The Xavier Network call for a ceasefire in Gaza ( 251 KB )
pdf 240409 – Caritas Australia – Caritas Australia launches its Laudato Si Action Plan ( 143 KB )
pdf 240409 – ACBC – Bishops acknowledge release of Dignitas Infinita ( 173 KB )
pdf 240408 – ACBC – National code of conduct key to improving integrity ( 125 KB )
pdf 240404- Redemptorists of Oceania – Francis Scott Key Bridge Tragedy Becoming Bridges of Mercy and Love ( 85 KB )
pdf 240404 – Caritas Australia – Church leaders in Sudan call on the international community to act to prevent famine ( 128 KB )
pdf 240403 – Caritas Australia – Caritas Australia joins humanitarian agencies in condemning aid worker deaths ( 97 KB )
pdf 240403 – ACU – Poetry prize calls for new works about faith ( 128 KB )
pdf 240403 – CHA – Further consultation on Aged Care Act can improve outcomes ( 143 KB )
pdf 240403 – Jesuit Mission – A movement of uplift then and now ( 407 KB )
pdf 240402 – ACBC – Youth ministry representatives head to Rome ( 141 KB )
pdf 240402 – CHA – Peak advocacy body appoints new Board Directors ( 95 KB )
pdf 240327 – ACU – Jacqui Remond presents at global Integral Ecology course ( 167 KB )
pdf 240327 – 150th Anniversay of the Diocese of Sandhurst ( 246 KB )
pdf 240326 – Caritas Australia – The love of life and thanks to God is the basis of everything says a Caritas Australia colleague in Gaza ( 165 KB )
pdf 240326 – NCEC – Catholic education says a religious freedom deal with the Greens unlikely based on track record ( 155 KB )
pdf 230326 – CSPA – Catholic school parents seek choice – not discrimination ( 170 KB )
pdf 240326 – ACBC – Two priests chosen for pre synod meeting ( 154 KB )