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This page on the CathNews website is a service for Church organisations listed in the Directory of the Catholic Church in Australia.

Bishops or other official Church agencies who have a media release or statement, or would like to make a statement in reply to a news item, should send their media releases to CathNews by 6am for inclusion in that day’s edition.

For consideration for inclusion, please send your release or statement to the Editor-in-Chief of CathNews at [email protected].

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pdf 240820 – Catholic Mission – Australian Schools Kicking the First Goal for Socktober in 2024 in Brisbane ( 199 KB )
pdf 240820 – ACBC – Social Justice Statement 2024-25: Action required to achieve global peace ( 215 KB )
pdf 240819 – St Vincent de Paul Society – Busking for Vinnies starts this Wednesday ( 38 KB )
pdf 240819 – Catholic Health Australia – It’s time to care about aged care urgent call for Parliament to prioritise new Aged Care Act ( 92 KB )
pdf 240819 – Caritas Australia – Caritas Australia condemns historic humanitarian death toll ( 121 KB )
pdf 240819 – ACU – ACU to host 30th conference of Catholic universities ( 61 KB )
pdf 240816 – CSSV – Youth justice backflip won't protect kids or communities ( 103 KB )
pdf 240815 – Cairns Diocese – New Bishop of Cairns Ordained ( 48 KB )
pdf 240816 – ACSL – Safeguarding audit report of Archdiocese of Sydney published ( 221 KB )
pdf 240815 – ACU – Occupational therapy boot camp improves independence for stroke survivors ( 59 KB )
pdf 240813 – Jesuit Social Services – Watering down of landmark youth justice reform won’t create stronger communities ( 170 KB )
pdf 240813 – Catholic Education Ballarat – Catholic Education Ballarat leader recognised in Commonwealth commemorative publication ( 265 KB )
pdf 240812 – Campion College – Campion College Symposium on Early Christianity ( 53 KB )
pdf 240812 – Caritas Australia – Caritas Australia appeal focuses on supporting women to build better futures ( 115 KB )
pdf 240812 – St Vincent de Paul Society – NSW Busking for Vinnies returns for 2024 ( 46 KB )
pdf 240811 – Melbourne Archdiocese – Government concedes religious discrimination legislation won’t go ahead ( 96 KB )
pdf 240811 – ERCS – IRL Sunday Campaign to Combat the Loneliness Epidemic ( 137 KB )
pdf 240808 – MGLs – Areté Centre Presents Witness In the Workplace Virtual Event ( 69 KB )
pdf 240806 – Caritas Australia – Increased hostilities compound historic economic crisis in Lebanon ( 130 KB )
pdf 240806 – EREA – EREA Flexible Schools Ltd Appoints New Board Chair to Strengthen the Future of Alternative Education ( 110 KB )