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This page on the CathNews website is a service for Church organisations listed in the Directory of the Catholic Church in Australia.

Bishops or other official Church agencies who have a media release or statement, or would like to make a statement in reply to a news item, should send their media releases to CathNews by 6am for inclusion in that day’s edition.

For consideration for inclusion, please send your release or statement to the Editor-in-Chief of CathNews at [email protected].

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pdf 230808 – ACU – ACU researchers to provide a pathway to safer walking for older Australians ( 91 KB )
pdf 230808 – ACU – Dean of ACU La Salle Academy awarded education medal ( 144 KB )
pdf 230807 – St Vincent de Paul Society – Time to end homelessness ( 84 KB )
pdf 230807 – Toowoomba Catholic Schools – Toowoomba Catholic Schools Excellence Awards – A Passionate and Inspirational Community ( 115 KB )
pdf 230807 – ACU – Creating opportunities for ADF veterans and their families, one lecture at a time ( 106 KB )
pdf 230806 – VMCH – Intergenerational volunteering a benefit to both younger and older Australians ( 77 KB )
pdf 230804 – UNDA – St Mary’s University College Belfast and The University of Notre Dame Australia forge new partnership ( 201 KB )
pdf 230804 – CRA – New book by Catholic Religious Australia building religious literacy during Vocations Awareness Week ( 179 KB )
pdf 230803 – CatholicCare WF – Client numbers show extent of homelessness in central western NSW ( 140 KB )
pdf 230803 – CRA – At ‘Daring to Dream’ Assembly, new CRA National Council elected ( 171 KB )
pdf 230803 – Caritas Australia – Timor-Leste and Australia working together to combat climate change in rural communities ( 157 KB )
pdf 230802 – UNDA – Notre Dame honours Reverend Father Mark Poorman CSC with Honorary Doctorate ( 124 KB )
pdf 230802 – CSSA – Cost-of-living relief to those who need it most ( 381 KB )
pdf 230802 – Caritas Australia – Sudan crisis continues leaving millions vulnerable ( 138 KB )
pdf 230802 – ACAN – United Nations World Day Against Trafficking in Persons ( 240 KB )
pdf 230801 – Catholic Education Rockhampton – Conceptual PlayWorlds introduced to Fijian educators ( 135 KB )
pdf 230801 – Catholic Mission – Socktober 2023 Uniting Catholic Schools in Australia to Score Big for Social Justice in Timor Leste ( 173 KB )
pdf 230801 – ACU – ACU pays tribute to Catholic education pioneers at 60th anniversary of Canberra campus ( 87 KB )
pdf 230801 – ACU – Companions on the principals’ journey ( 124 KB )
pdf 230801 – ACU – ACU’s new metabolic chamber to be the only one of its kind in the southern hemisphere ( 198 KB )