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This page on the CathNews website is a service for Church organisations listed in the Directory of the Catholic Church in Australia.

Bishops or other official Church agencies who have a media release or statement, or would like to make a statement in reply to a news item, should send their media releases to CathNews by 6am for inclusion in that day’s edition.

For consideration for inclusion, please send your release or statement to the Editor-in-Chief of CathNews at [email protected].

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pdf 230123 – ACU – Study reveals new digital divide among students based on triad of influences – self efficacy, gender, and SES ( 133 KB )
pdf 230123 – CHA – Catholic Health Australia calls for national anti slavery commissioner ( 138 KB )
pdf 230120 – Catholic Education Diocese of Rockhampton – Media Release Careers Assistance Program (CAP) ( 162 KB )
pdf 230120 – NCEC – Cuts to HELP debt for Australia’s most remote teachers an important move ( 187 KB )
pdf 230118 – SOSJ – Sisters celebrate 50 years of religious life ( 348 KB )
pdf 230117 – Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney – Funeral Arrangements for Cardinal George Pell AC ( 114 KB )
pdf 230117 – Divine Renovation – Sold out parish renewal conference will welcome hundreds of Catholic leaders in Sydney next month ( 267 KB )
pdf 230114 – ACBC – New Syro-Malabar Eparch named for Australia, New Zealand ( 238 KB )
pdf 230106 – CSSA – New pilot plan to help people living with a disability get into the work force ( 196 KB )
pdf 221221 – Ignite Conference – Ignite Youth announces third Catholic Conference in Greater Sydney ( 214 KB )
pdf 221221 – ACU – Forming spiritual directors for the modern world at ACU ( 91 KB )
pdf 121220 – ACSL – Second safeguarding audit of Presentation Sisters Wagga Wagga shows Congregation fully committed to safety of children ( 209 KB )
pdf 221219 – Maronite Eparchy – Maronite Eparchy announces Golden Jubilee for 2023, unveils emblem ( 473 KB )
pdf 221216 -Caritas Australia – Caritas Australia launches urgent appeal for Democratic Republic of Congo ( 92 KB )
pdf 221216 – NCEC – Catholic education welcomes holistic review of education including the National School Reform Agreement ( 179 KB )
pdf 221216 – NCEC – National Teacher Workforce Action Plan to focus on immediate and future teacher workforce needs ( 199 KB )
pdf 221216 – ACU – ACU welcomes National Teacher Workforce Action Plan ( 65 KB )
pdf 221216 – CRA – CRA urges global leaders at COP15 to protect biodiversity ( 189 KB )
pdf 221216 – CHA – Catholic Health Australia supports fair pay for aged care workers now ( 121 KB )
pdf 221215 – CRA – CRA applauds major reforms to Australia’s environment laws ( 142 KB )