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This page on the CathNews website is a service for Church organisations listed in the Directory of the Catholic Church in Australia.

Bishops or other official Church agencies who have a media release or statement, or would like to make a statement in reply to a news item, should send their media releases to CathNews by 6am for inclusion in that day’s edition.

For consideration for inclusion, please send your release or statement to the Editor-in-Chief of CathNews at [email protected].

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pdf 240621 – Jesuit Mission – Jesuit Mission appeals for help as the crisis in Myanmar escalates ( 319 KB )
pdf 240620 – Caritas Australia – Caritas Australia event sees funds raised for a world in crisis ( 127 KB )
pdf 240620 – Broken Bay Diocese – Multi-million dollar milestone for schools in Broken Bay Diocese ( 167 KB )
pdf 240620 – ACU – Uni mates to head to Rome next month as Conaci Scholars ( 164 KB )
pdf 240619 – ACSL – Child safeguarding standards embraced by Diocese of Townsville ( 216 KB )
pdf 240618 – UNDA – Rural training vital for retention of regional doctors ( 134 KB )
pdf 240617 – Catholic Education Cairns – New Catholic Education Executive Director announced ( 215 KB )
pdf 240617 – ACBC – Call to support the Peter’s Pence appeal in 2024 ( 120 KB )
pdf 240617 – Notre Dame University – Murdoch family three from three at School of Law ( 138 KB )
pdf 240617 – ACU – ACU students prepare for virtual meeting with Pope Francis ( 151 KB )
pdf 240617 – Brisbane Archdiocese – Cardinal Giorgio Marengo visiting Australia this June ( 116 KB )
pdf 240614 – ACBC – Sport can open the way to Christ ( 141 KB )
pdf 240614 – Caritas Australia – World Refugee Week Caritas Australia raises awareness of the world’s largest refugee camp ( 147 KB )
pdf 240614 – Catholic Education Rockhampton – Mass of farewell for Leesa Jeffcoat AM ( 160 KB )
pdf 240613 – ACU – Explicit teaching and new phonics focus a win for Victorian students ( 132 KB )
pdf 240613 – Redemptorists – Bad Catholics Good Trouble ( 105 KB )
pdf 240613 – Marists Star of the Sea Province – Br Vincent celebrates his 100th birthday ( 91 KB )
pdf 240613 – ACRATH – Revealing the Reality of Modern Slavery June 2024 ( 260 KB )
pdf 240612 – Catholic Mission – Discover Mongolia through the eyes of a missionary with Cardinal Giorgio Marengo ( 234 KB )
pdf 240612 – Caritas Australia – Caritas Australia welcomes a $10m government aid package for Gaza ( 146 KB )