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This page on the CathNews website is a service for Church organisations listed in the Directory of the Catholic Church in Australia.

Bishops or other official Church agencies who have a media release or statement, or would like to make a statement in reply to a news item, should send their media releases to CathNews by 6am for inclusion in that day’s edition.

For consideration for inclusion, please send your release or statement to the Editor-in-Chief of CathNews at [email protected].

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pdf 240515 – Jesuit Social Services – ‘Responsible’ Federal Budget 2024:25 provides some cost of living relief ( 167 KB )
pdf 240515 – Caritas Australia – Caritas Australia urges the government to show greater leadership amid converging global crises ( 119 KB )
pdf 240514 – Catholic Health Australia – Government delays aged care reforms in budget at its peril ( 194 KB )
pdf 240514 – Catholic Health Australia – Government ignores private hospital system in budget ( 369 KB )
pdf 240514 – Vinnies NSW – Announcement from St Vincent de Paul Society NSW ( 63 KB )
pdf 240513 – ACU – Esteemed religion journalist Rachael Kohn receives ACU’s highest honour ( 181 KB )
pdf 240513 – Caritas Australia – Caritas Australia’s Catholic Earthcare program publishes Laudato Si’ Week resources for schools and parishes ( 169 KB )
pdf 240513 – CSPQ – Catholic School Parents Queensland welcomes additional $100,000 funding to support families ( 157 KB )
pdf 240513 – CSSA – Leadership transition at at Catholic Social Services Australia ( 111 KB )
pdf 240513 – VMCH – Carol celebrates almost a century of volunteering ( 117 KB )
pdf 240510 – Caritas Austraila – Caritas network continues to focus on dignity and hope within Gaza as aid routes are stifled ( 112 KB )
pdf 240509 – Catholic Health Australia – Government must pursue aged care reform ( 133 KB )
pdf 240509 – Catholic Religious Australia – CRA calls for progress towards a circular economy ( 168 KB )
pdf 240509 – Jesuit Mission – Honouring and empowering motherhood ( 260 KB )
pdf 240509 – Maronites – Thousands gather to witness historic moment in Western Sydney ( 88 KB )
pdf 240509 – VMCH – Celebrating nurses, the ‘backbone’ of healthcare ( 100 KB )
pdf 240509 – Salesians – Two New Salesian Shepherds for the Church ( 157 KB )
pdf 240508 – ACBC – Statement from Australia’s Catholic bishops on the situation in the Holy Land ( 166 KB )
pdf 240508 – Catholic Mission – The Don Bosco Caring Center ( 229 KB )
pdf 240508 – UNDA – Expert calls for support to tackle classroom behaviour ( 158 KB )