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This page on the CathNews website is a service for Church organisations listed in the Directory of the Catholic Church in Australia.

Bishops or other official Church agencies who have a media release or statement, or would like to make a statement in reply to a news item, should send their media releases to CathNews by 6am for inclusion in that day’s edition.

For consideration for inclusion, please send your release or statement to the Editor-in-Chief of CathNews at [email protected].

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pdf 240525 – NCEC – Catholic schools seek religious freedom, not the right to discriminate ( 155 KB )
pdf 240525 – Calvary – New name reflects identity of Calvary at Kingswood ( 368 KB )
pdf 240325 – St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria – A Legacy Celebrated 170 Years of St Vincent de Paul Society Australia ( 194 KB )
pdf 240325 – CSSA – CSSA Federal Pre Budget submission calls for economic reform ( 407 KB )
pdf 240325 – CatholicCare Sydney – Harmony Day CatholicCare Sydney Disability Services ( 1.02 MB )
pdf 240322 – Caritas Australia – Caritas Australia celebrates 60 years of love and compassion in action ( 158 KB )
pdf 240322 – Jesuit Mission – The ripple effects of clean water ( 347 KB )
pdf 240322 – Redemptorists of Oceania – Common Home TV spotlights the unfolding crisis in Haiti ( 106 KB )
pdf 240322 – ACU – Violence escalates and mental health suffers but principals remain resilient ( 247 KB )
pdf 240321 – NCEC – ALRC report is at odds with religious freedom and the high regard parents place in faith based schools ( 160 KB )
pdf 240320 – Campion College – Campion College To Host Intellectual Retreat ( 59 KB )
pdf 240320 – ACI – Webinar Bishop Peter Cullinane: The mission and vocation of lay people Sat 6 Apr 2024 ( 2.25 MB )
pdf 240320 – Caritas Australia – Caritas Australia visits Canberra to campaign for a Safer World for All ( 116 KB )
pdf 240320 – ACRATH – ACRATH Members Reunite to Address Modern Slavery at Three-Day Gathering ( 164 KB )
pdf 240319 – CSSV – CSSV Report on Victoria's Catholic social services sector contributions ( 107 KB )
pdf 240318 – SVHA – St Vincent’s launches new Always video ( 92 KB )
pdf 240318 – Brisbane Catholic Education – BCE celebrates the Year of Prayer with a commissioned painting of Jesus and the Holy Trinity ( 84 KB )
pdf 240315 – Catholic Schools Broken Bay – Eileen O'Connor Catholic School Launch ( 142 KB )
Document 240315 – Caritas Australia – Gaza crisis joint statement by Caritas agencies of Australia, Canada and New Zealand ( 53 KB )
pdf 240305 – Columban Centre for Christian-Muslim Relations – Letter to my Muslim and Jewish Sisters and Brothers in Australia ( 125 KB )