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This page on the CathNews website is a service for Church organisations listed in the Directory of the Catholic Church in Australia.

Bishops or other official Church agencies who have a media release or statement, or would like to make a statement in reply to a news item, should send their media releases to CathNews by 6am for inclusion in that day’s edition.

For consideration for inclusion, please send your release or statement to the Editor-in-Chief of CathNews at [email protected].

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pdf 240213 – Toowoomba Catholic Schools – St Saviour’s College Health Hub is setting the pulse of health care ( 141 KB )
pdf 240213 – MacKillop Family Services – Celebrating the achievements of young people who grew up in foster care for World Care Day ( 148 KB )
pdf 230213 – VMCH – Social Justice Day shines a light on unique housing support ( 87 KB )
pdf 240212 – Ballarat Diocese – Maintenance Work on St Patrick’s Cathedral Fence ( 114 KB )
pdf 240212 – ACRATH – ACRATH asks people to Indulge Responsibly this Easter ( 205 KB )
pdf 230209 – Caritas Australia – CRS President Sean Callahan told “I survive from your food” during a visit to the Holy Land ( 109 KB )
pdf 240208 – CSSA and CSSV – Imagining our place within a broader mission ( 176 KB )
pdf 240208 – Broken Bay Diocese – International speaker on Divine Mercy at Shrine of St Paul II Gosford ( 124 KB )
pdf 240208 – ACBC and CHA – World Day of the Sick ( 213 KB )
pdf 240208 – ACAN – Moe Turaga on Sr Josephine Bakhita Feast Day 2024 ( 178 KB )
pdf 240206 – Caritas Australia – Caritas Australia congratulates its Chair on Human Rights Commission appointment ( 107 KB )
pdf 240206 – ACU – Church agencies at the frontline of family violence call for greater whole of church response ( 98 KB )
pdf 240205 – Caritas Australia – Caritas Australia remembers victims of the Türkiye Syria earthquake, a year after the tragedy ( 148 KB )
pdf 240205 – Catholic Education Ballarat – Globally recognised education innovators guide plan for Ballarat Diocese Catholic schools ( 232 KB )
pdf 240205 – CEWA – Name chosen for newest Catholic school in WA ( 137 KB )
pdf 240205 – Jesuit Mission – One year of supporting earthquake affected communities in Syria ( 320 KB )
pdf 240201 – NCEC – Catholic school communities supporting families to relieve cost of living pressures, Senate committee told ( 174 KB )
pdf 240201- ACBC – Launch of local and national Synod consultation ( 132 KB )
pdf 240131- Caritas Australia – Spain labels the UNRWA indispensable as Caritas Australia reflects on the humanitarian impact ( 82 KB )
pdf 240131 – CEWA – Catholic Education WA recognises 2023 high achievers ( 146 KB )