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This page on the CathNews website is a service for Church organisations listed in the Directory of the Catholic Church in Australia.

Bishops or other official Church agencies who have a media release or statement, or would like to make a statement in reply to a news item, should send their media releases to CathNews by 6am for inclusion in that day’s edition.

For consideration for inclusion, please send your release or statement to the Editor-in-Chief of CathNews at [email protected].

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pdf 240902 – ACMRO – Resources published for World Day of Migrants and Refugees ( 126 KB )
pdf 240902 – Caritas Australia – Caritas Australia reflects on the global significance of the Church as Pope visits Asia and Oceania ( 163 KB )
pdf 240902 – St Vincent de Paul Society NSW – St Vincent de Paul Society NSW Welcomes New State Council President ( 42 KB )
pdf 240830 – ACU – International student caps ( 184 KB )
pdf 240829 – Redemptorists of Oceania – Learning to Serve in the Face of Terror ( 89 KB )
pdf 290824 – ACPA – Perth’s The Record Magazine makes history as recipients of 2024 Bishop Kennedy Award ( 190 KB )
pdf 240829 – CRA – CRA National Council elected amidst Assembly’s call to synodality ( 170 KB )
pdf 240829 – Mercy Health – Mercy Health School Outreach Clinic recognised with Catholic Health Australia Award ( 121 KB )
pdf 240828 – Mary MacKillop Today – Mary MacKillop Today’s legacy in Timor Leste continues 25 years after the referendum on independence ( 58 KB )
pdf 240828 – CHA – Catholic Health Australia recognises two leaders in prestigious award ( 145 KB )
pdf 240828 – Mercy Health – Mercy Health’s Dr Gillian Opie honoured as tunnelling begins on the North East Link ( 121 KB )
pdf 240828 – Southern Cross Care NSW/ACT – Choirmaster wins national healthcare award ( 97 KB )
pdf 240827 – ACU – Research project to study the future of lay governance in a Synodal church ( 70 KB )
pdf 240826 – Townsville Catholic Educaiton – Celebrating Blak Excellence ( 381 KB )
pdf 240827 – Caritas Australia – Caritas Australia shares stories of Ukrainian families supported in Moldova ( 123 KB )
pdf 240826 – Geraldton Diocese – Subject Catholic Diocese of Geraldton Concludes Historic First Synod ( 249 KB )
pdf 240826 – ACU – ACU awards honorary doctorate to US Catholic higher education leader Fr Dennis Holtschneider CM ( 72 KB )
pdf 240826 – Darwin Diocese – Statement from Bishop Charles Gauci on the NT election ( 31 KB )
pdf 240821 – Geraldton Diocese – Historic First Synod To Be Held in Geraldton Diocese ( 267 KB )
pdf 240820 – NCEC – One year to go until the 2025 Australian Catholic Education Conference ( 412 KB )