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This page on the CathNews website is a service for Church organisations listed in the Directory of the Catholic Church in Australia.

Bishops or other official Church agencies who have a media release or statement, or would like to make a statement in reply to a news item, should send their media releases to CathNews by 6am for inclusion in that day’s edition.

For consideration for inclusion, please send your release or statement to the Editor-in-Chief of CathNews at [email protected].

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pdf 231027 – BBI-TAITE – BBI-TAITE now a Member Institute of the Sydney College of Divinity a University College ( 313 KB )
pdf 231025 – Caritas Australia – Caritas Internationalis inaugurates a Global Year of Action on climate change ( 108 KB )
pdf 231025 – ACU – Mathematics education vital for engaged and informed citizenry ( 151 KB )
pdf 231025 – Caritas Australia – Caritas network preparing rapid response to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza ( 112 KB )
pdf 231025 – Mercy Health – Mercy Health appoints new Executive Director Communications and Stakeholder Relations ( 115 KB )
pdf 231023 – ACN – FoSS founder hands over after 40 years ( 169 KB )
pdf 231020 – Caritas Australia – Caritas Jerusalem employee killed while sheltering with her family in Gaza ( 110 KB )
pdf 231020 – NCEC – Scholarships for boarding students an important move ( 171 KB )
pdf 231020 – Townsville Cathoilc Education – Co-Educational Catholic College to open in 2025 ( 335 KB )
pdf 231020 – Catholic Mission – World Mission Sunday Celebration ( 166 KB )
pdf 231020 – Loreto Province – New Province Leader and Council for Loreto Sisters ( 147 KB )
pdf 231019 – VMCH – Pastoral care a vocation with heart ( 82 KB )
pdf 231019 – Maronite Eparchy – Maronites in Australia Raise $531,044 69 to Support 700 Students in Lebanon ( 180 KB )
pdf 231018 – Jesuit Mission – Give a Gift for Change and transform lives this Christmas ( 548 KB )
pdf 231018 – CRA – CRA Develops Resource to Guide Formation of Religious for Ministry ( 173 KB )
pdf 231018 – Centacare FNQ – Centacare FNQ Presents the "Budget Bites Challenge" recognising Anti Poverty Week ( 150 KB )
pdf 231017 – CRA – Catholic Religious pledge unwavering commitment to the path of reconciliation and unity ( 163 KB )
pdf 231017 – Parramatta Diocese – Diocese of Parramatta concludes its first ever Synod a model for engagement, discernment and decision making ( 187 KB )
pdf 231017 – ACU – Veteran journalist Geraldine Doogue receives Honorary Doctorate from ACU ( 153 KB )
pdf 231017 – ACU – ACU to award breastfeeding support founder Mary Paton her first honorary doctorate ( 126 KB )