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This page on the CathNews website is a service for Church organisations listed in the Directory of the Catholic Church in Australia.

Bishops or other official Church agencies who have a media release or statement, or would like to make a statement in reply to a news item, should send their media releases to CathNews by 6am for inclusion in that day’s edition.

For consideration for inclusion, please send your release or statement to the Editor-in-Chief of CathNews at [email protected].

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pdf 230406 – CHA – Catholic Aged Care Providers Sign Up to Pledge to Pass On Wages to Staff ( 122 KB )
pdf 230403 – ACBC – Catholic Church backs 7.2 per cent minimum wage increase ( 241 KB )
pdf 230402 – Caritas Australia – Project Compassion Holy Week ( 173 KB )
pdf 230401- Caritas Australia – Caritas Australia introduces Catholic Social Teaching Card Sets ( 112 KB )
pdf 230330 – CHA – Anti-slavery commissioner and noted demographer lined up to address Catholic Health Australia conference ( 205 KB )
pdf 230330 – Catholic Cemeteries + Crematoria – Peter O’Meara Awarded a Papal Honour ( 43 KB )
pdf 230330 – CAPSA – CAPSA calls on Catholic communities to Walk for Justice for Refugees this Palm Sunday ( 182 KB )
pdf 230329 – FCBCO – Oceania bishops finalise response to Synod’s working document ( 227 KB )
pdf 230329 – St Vincent de Paul Society – Vinnies urges support for refugee justice on Palm Sunday ( 108 KB )
pdf 230329 – ACU – Can university students learn empathy in their degrees? New research says yes ( 144 KB )
pdf 230329 – AMPJP – Change of Chair for School Authorities Committee ( 104 KB )
pdf 230227 – ACAN – Slavery Survivor Wins Award ( 123 KB )
pdf 230323 – Townsville Catholic Education – Kilah Gaston among delegates attending the 28th National Schools Constitutional Convention in Canberra ( 439 KB )
pdf 230323 – Caritas Australia – Project Compassion – Week Five ( 139 KB )
pdf 230323 – Brisbane Catholic Education – Everybody belongs: Diverse BCE schools celebrate their differences while supporting their multicultural communities ( 101 KB )
pdf 230323 – Brisbane Catholic Education – BCE students connect to culture this World Harmony Week ( 203 KB )
pdf 230323 – ACU – ACU welcomes national focus on initial teacher education programs ( 84 KB )
pdf 230322 – Toowoomba Catholic Schools – Toowoomba Catholic Schools light the way ( 100 KB )
pdf 230322 – Mercy Health – Trigger powers to 102 ( 94 KB )
pdf 230321 – ACBC – New document highlights Catholics, Jews ‘walking together’ ( 262 KB )