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This page on the CathNews website is a service for Church organisations listed in the Directory of the Catholic Church in Australia.

Bishops or other official Church agencies who have a media release or statement, or would like to make a statement in reply to a news item, should send their media releases to CathNews by 6am for inclusion in that day’s edition.

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pdf 230309 – CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes – CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes Board Member wins top women’s award ( 155 KB )
pdf 200309 – Caritas Australia – Project Compassion Week 3 ( 140 KB )
pdf 230308 – UNDA – Notre Dame stands in solidarity with Ukraine ( 393 KB )
pdf 230308 – NCEC – New website to showcase Catholic education across Australia ( 194 KB )
pdf 230308 – BCE – Praying for collaboration, BCE Principal creates Co created Prayer resources for schools ( 97 KB )
pdf 230308 – MACS – Melbournes Catholic schools prepare to celebrate ( 146 KB )
pdf 230307 – ACAN – Attorney-General hears ACAN reflection ( 128 KB )
pdf 230306 – Brisbane Catholic Education – Unique BCE program supports women into educational leadership ( 97 KB )
pdf 220306 – ACU – The problem with translating Dante’s Divine Comedy ( 203 KB )
pdf 230303 – CEWA – New Catholic Education WA Commissioners appointed ( 94 KB )
pdf 230302 – VMCH – Breaking down barriers on International Women’s Day ( 113 KB )
pdf 230302 – CatholicCare Sydney – Clean Up Australia ( 131 KB )
pdf 230302 – ACU – ACU and BCC partnership continues to flourish in Blacktown ( 123 KB )
pdf 230302 – ACAN – ACAN Urges Visa Reform ( 200 KB )
pdf 230301 – Catholic Education Commission of WA – Inaugural MOU between WA Catholic Schools to benefit families ( 169 KB )
pdf 230301 – ACI – ACI Webinar The Women of Vatican II with Sr Maureen Sullivan OP ( 3.94 MB )
pdf 220301 – Caritas Australia – Project Compassion – Week 2 ( 139 KB )
pdf 230227 – Caritas Australia – Caritas Australia raises over $1 million for Türkiye Syria earthquake ( 113 KB )
pdf 230227 – Ukrainian Catholic Church – Ecumenical prayer for peace in Ukraine ( 72 KB )
pdf 230227 – ACAN – Modern Slavery Curriculum Pilot at ACU ( 252 KB )