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Jobs Market Blog
Jobs Market Blog by CathNews offers a variety of Catholic job articles, career guides and recruitment insights.
Emma Larsen: Say “yes”, meet people and keep learning
How did you get into the humanitarian aid and development sector? From an early age my parents exposed me and
Kirsty Robertson: Guided by Catholic social teaching
How did you get into the humanitarian aid and development sector? I started my career in aid and development at
How to write a job-winning resume
You’ve seen your dream job on the CathNews jobs site. Now it is time to sit down and craft your
Catholic schools seek quality teachers
Many of the jobs posted on the CathNews jobs portal relate to education and schools. But what are our Catholic
The keys to performing well in a job interview
You’ve submitted your application letter and your resume. And your prospective new employer now wants to see you in person.
Nail that job application letter
A job application letter is more than just a note attached to a resume. It requires thought, research and a
Labor announces $700m jobs program for Indigenous Australians
The Albanese Government will invest $707 million in a new jobs program for remote Australia that it says will deliver 3000 jobs and better living conditions for Indigenous Australians over the next three years. Source: The Australian.
Recipients say JobSeeker payment not enough to live on
A majority of people say they cannot live on the JobSeeker rate, boosting calls for the welfare payment to be increased. Source: SBS News.
Lack of suitable jobs locking hundreds of thousands in poverty, report finds
A lack of suitable jobs and a trend towards insecure work is locking hundreds of thousands of people in poverty, according to a new report. Source: The Guardian.