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In The Dioceses
Program helps parishioners understand plight of asylum-seekers
As Pope Francis appeals for people to “walk together, with the most vulnerable” in his message for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees on September 29, Adelaide Archdiocese has launched an initiative to foster inclusion, acceptance and social cohesion. Source: The Southern Cross.
Sydney to host International Eucharistic Congress in 2028
The Vatican has announced that Sydney will host the 54th International Eucharistic Congress in 2028. Source: The Catholic Weekly.
Head of Catholic schools in Maitland-Newcastle announces resignation
Catholic Schools Maitland-Newcastle chief Steve Lemos has announced his resignation and his intention to finish up in the role at the end of the school year. Source: MNnews.Today.
‘Bishop’s Call’ urges parishioners to become foster carers
Wollongong Bishop Brian Mascord is urging parishioners within his diocese to consider becoming foster carers amid a critical shortage of foster carers within the local community. Source: CatholicCare Wollongong.
Archbishop Prowse emphasises importance of community connections
Canberra-Goulburn Archbishop Christopher Prowse has emphasised the importance of community connections as the archdiocese prepares for an assembly next month. Source: Catholic Voice.
Palm Island community marks 100th anniversary of first Mass
Queensland’s Palm Island community marked the 100th anniversary of the first Mass on the island, in a joyful celebration of culture and faith. Source: In The Word.
Faith gathering fills families with Fire and hope for the future
Young people, families and participants of all ages gathered for two days of deepening their faith at the Adelaide Fire Weekend. Source: The Southern Cross.
Fr Vu’s priestly ordination ‘a profound grace’ for Church community
Broken Bay Diocese is celebrating after Fr Hien Vu was ordained a priest by Bishop Anthony Randazzo on Saturday at Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral, Waitara.
Filling people’s hearts with Jesus’ mission
Sam Hodge says the journey to Brisbane Archdiocese’s Synod has been a chance to reflect on what has been and a time to focus on “making things new”. Source: The Catholic Leader.