The first chapter of Kevin Costner’s epic film project chronicles a multi-faceted, 15-year span of pre- and post-Civil War expansion and settlement of the American west. Source: Australian Catholics.
For 20 years, Costner, the actor and Oscar-winning director, has been working on Horizon: An American Saga, collaborating with writers, in discussions with studios and financing in an ambitious project to tell an epic story. Finally, the first two chapters have been made. Costner has invested his own money into this project. At the time of release of this chapter, the third chapter has begun filming for 2025 release. And Costner will turn 70 in 2025.
As might be expected, the saga is vast in scope. It begins in 1859, with a printed poster advertising Horizon, an entrepreneur encouraging the building of towns in America’s West. And this motif, as well as the printing of the poster, recurs during the film. There are many strands of narrative and, for a while audiences wonder how they will connect. But, as the narrative progresses, we discover the links.
The main focus is on a settlement in the San Pedro Valley, where a father and son stake out a claim but are then killed by the local Apaches. Horizon offers a great deal of focus on the Native Americans, their traditions and beliefs, the invasion/intrusion by the settlers, the feeling of threat, the violent responses, the various responses of the white community, the role of the military, independent scouts and trackers, and those with a vengeance against the Indian attacks. There are scenes of Native American community life, and the clash between leaders who accept the inevitable incursions by the settlers and those who want to cut them off.
After the massacre and fire, survivors move to a fort, where we see details of fort life. Then comes the outbreak of the Civil War and the young soldiers having to go off to fight.
Enter Costner, riding into the fort, doing business, but encountering a young prostitute who is also a babysitter for a couple in the fort, linking the story of the fort with another key storyline from the beginning of the film. There are other narrative strands intertwined, each theme has its own interest, power and/or challenge.
In this chapter, Costner is opening up the Horizons of the West. This chapter ends with a visual collage of the characters and themes we have been witnessing which also serves as something of a preview for the next chapter.
Horizon: An American Saga, Chapter 1: Starring Kevin Costner, Sienna Miller, Sam Worthington, Jena Malone, Michael Rooker. Directed by Kevin Costner. 181 minutes. Rated M (Violence).
Reviewed by Fr Peter Malone MSC.
Horizon: An American Saga, Chapter 1 (Australian Catholics)