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Laity Mission

Areté Centre calls for laity with a heart for mission 

Applications are open for the Areté Centre 2025 Foundations of Missionary Leadership program, which is designed to form and equip laypeople for the mission of the Church, contribute to the renewal of parishes, and evangelise others.

For The Diary Laity

Consultor to the Vatican to visit Australia

Myriam Wijlens, a Dutch theologian, ecumenist and consultor to several Vatican bodies, will visit Australia in August to deliver public lectures on the topic “The prophetic voice of the laity in the renewal of the Catholic Church”. Source: Catholic Outlook.

Africa Laity Liturgy

Australian Catholic University training Nigerian lay ministers

The Australian Catholic University’s Centre for Liturgy is helping to train lay liturgical ministers of the Word in Nigeria. Source: UCA News.


National Civic Council’s new generation takes the reins

For decades, the National Civic Council, led by its charismatic founder BA (Bob) Santamaria, was synonymous with lay Catholic action throughout Australia. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Laity Liturgy Women

Don’t reduce women’s role in Church to question of ministry: Pope

The importance of women in the Church cannot be “reduced” to the question of ministry, Pope Francis told members of the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments yesterday. Source: CNS.

Europe Laity Liturgy

Priest shortage forces Irish diocese to rely on laity to preside over funerals

More than 40 laymen and laywomen in the Clogher Diocese in the north of Ireland will soon begin presiding over funeral liturgies amid a shortage of priests. Source: CNA.

Catechesis Laity

Tasmania blazes trail with institution of catechists

Nineteen catechists from parishes around Tasmania were formally instituted at St Mary’s Cathedral in Hobart recently, one of the first groups to be instituted in Australia. Source: Archdiocese of Hobart.


Lay Salvatorians celebrate Vatican recognition

Australia’s Lay Salvatorian community is celebrating its recent recognition by the Vatican as an international association of the faithful. Source: The

Laity Pope Francis

Laypeople not guests in the Church: Pope

The Church is a home that priests and laypeople need to care for together, Pope Francis said on Saturday. Source: CNA.