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Patrician Brothers with All Saints College Maitland principal Brian Lacey (MNnews.Today)

Patrician Brothers gathered with staff at All Saints College, Maitland this week as their community celebrated 140 years of ministry in Australia. Source: MNnews.Today.

The occasion was commemorated with the blessing and unveiling of a plaque to mark the location of the first school managed by Patrician Brothers in Australia, St John the Baptist Boys School, Maitland, which was originally located at the end of Free Church Street.

At the invitation of Bishop James Murry, the brothers arrived in Australia from Ireland in 1883, and on April 9, Patrician Brothers Dominick O’Neil and Fintan O’Neil were given the administration of the school. With the arrival of more brothers in 1884, Bishop Murray placed Sacred Heart College, Campbells Hill also in their care.

The plaque was unveiled and blessed by Br Peter Ryan, Patrician Congressional Leader in the presence of Br Paul O’Keeffe, Province Leader, and Mr Brian Lacey, Principal of All Saints’ College.

“It’s important to recognise the great contribution the Patrician Brothers, the Marist Brothers and the Dominican sisters made to our schools, predominantly for the disadvantaged families of the area,” Mr Lacey said.  

“Our community is lucky to be able to stand on the shoulders of the giants who established these schools decades ago.

“While the Patrician Brothers are not a big order compared to other orders like the Marist Brothers, their presence has certainly been felt in Catholic education right across the country.” 


Marking the beginning of Patrician Brother’s ministry in Australia (MNnews.Today)