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In The Dioceses Youth

Archdiocese marks coming Jubilee Year and one year until ACYF  

Young people, families and representatives from Melbourne parishes, faith movements and migrant communities gathered at St Patrick’s Cathedral in East Melbourne to mark three significant milestones. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Pope Francis Youth

Pope urges young people not to get carried away by illusions

Marking the Solemnity of Christ the King and the close of the liturgical year, Pope Francis presided over Mass in St Peter’s Basilica yesterday, urging young Catholics to reject superficial acclaim and embrace authentic Christian witness. Source: CNA.

Vocations Youth

Future looking bright for Tasmanian youth ministry

Catholic youth ministry in Tasmania has taken great strides over the past 12 months, with more young people discerning a vocation to the priesthood or religious life, parish youth groups steadily growing, and the revival of university chaplaincy. Source: Hobart Archdiocese. 

Bishops Crime Youth

Bishop Gauci urges NT Government not to jail child offenders

Darwin Bishop Charles Gauci says the Northern Territory Government “must strive to find the best possible solutions” to youth crime without resorting to incarceration, as the Country Liberal Party seeks to lower the age of criminal responsibility to 10.

Social Services Youth

Marist180 shortlisted for the NSW Youth Work Awards

Two Marist180 programs and one staff member are in the running for New South Wales Youth Work Awards, to be held later this month.


Conference ignites encounters with the risen Christ

Hundreds of young Brisbane’s Catholics spent four days learning more about their faith and encountering Jesus at Ignite Conference. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Social Justice Youth

Youth justice backflip will see ‘more kids reoffending more often’

The Victorian Government’s reversal of its commitment to raise the age of criminal responsibility to 14 by 2027 is a deeply troubling culmination of harmful rhetoric and disregard for evidence, says Catholic Social Services Victoria.

Social Services Youth

Jesuit Social Services ‘deeply disappointed’ by watering down of youth justice reform 

Jesuit Social Services says the Allan Government’s decision to abandon plans to raise the age of criminal responsibility in Victoria to 14 is “deeply disappointing”. 

Social Services Youth

Community catch-up aims to combat loneliness epidemic

A new campaign – IRL Sunday – is encouraging all Australians to get together “in real life” to combat the loneliness epidemic. Source: Edmund Rice Community Services.