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Caritas celebrates partnerships with First Nations communities
Caritas Australia has marked NAIDOC Week by celebrating its First Nations partners and the projects they support together in communities across Australia.
Paint and play: connecting with culture at NAIDOC netball day
Six Catholic schools across the New South Wales Hunter region have come together to paint totems and play netball to recognise NAIDOC week. Source:
Big turnout as Indigenous faith community ‘keeps the fire burning’
It was standing room only at the Reconciliation Catholic Church in La Perouse for Mass on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday, marking the first NAIDOC week since the defeat of the Voice to Parliament in October 2023. Source: Catholic Weekly.
Church celebrates rich cultural contributions of First Nations peoples
Ahead of yesterday’s celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday, NATSICC announced the winners of the 2024 Service to Community Awards, recognising five outstanding individuals for their remarkable contributions.
‘Indigenous cousins’ heading to Rome after winning scholarships
Since their first day studying teaching at Australian Catholic University in Brisbane, Zane Ratcliff and Ryan St John have become inseparable. Source: ACU.
New podcast explores World War I journey of Indigenous Anzac
A new educational podcast called Bringing His Spirit Home: Private Arthur Thomas Walker, Ngarrindjeri Anzac, was launched at the historic Torrens Training Depot in Adelaide. Source: The Southern Cross.
ACU creates senior Indigenous role
Australian Catholic University has appointed Kelly Humphrey to the inaugural role of Pro Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous).
Productivity Commission releases scathing Closing the Gap report
The Closing the Gap agreement on improving Indigenous outcomes will fail without fundamental changes, the Productivity Commission has warned, adding that successive governments have “failed to fully grasp” the challenges. Source: The Guardian.
Indigenous students get down to business
The University of Notre Dame Australia is this week hosting 32 Indigenous secondary school students from across Western Australia at its Broome campus as part of a program designed to inspire Australia’s future leaders.