The newly formed De La Salle Community Association Network is bringing together Lasallians who have a strong sense and commitment to the mission of St John Baptist De La Salle. Source: ACBC Media Blog.
St John Baptist De La Salle had a vision – not to invent the “Christian school”, but to take the idea of the Christian school and ensure each was animated by a community “together and by association”.
Lasallian schools and works have continued to contribute to the education and welfare of millions of students across the world over the past 340 years.
Tens of thousands of students across Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan and Papua New Guinea – countries that form the ANZPPNG District – continue to receive a Lasallian education.
The Australian story began nearly 120 years ago and continues today in 20 schools and through a wide range of social service support at yourtown (formerly Boystown).
This year marks the establishment of the De La Salle Community Association Network intended to strengthen the vitality of association by sowing, encouraging and caring for those Lasallians who have a strong sense and commitment to the Lasallian mission.
The network brings together Brothers, Sisters, affiliates, benefactors, alumni, staff, teachers, parents and community members and friends of the De La Salle Institute.
It will enable closer connection to works and ministries through spiritual retreats, promotion of student and adult formation programs, and partnership opportunities and networking events.
The first network event will be held on June 14. Julie Alibrandi, director of operations at the Lasallian Mission Council, said the network evening will be an opportunity for Lasallians, young and old, to engage and renew friendships, and hear about the contemporary Lasallian world.
Past and present principals, teachers, alumni and friends will gather, including a special live “cross-Tasman” virtual connection with schools in New Zealand.
Details: De La Salle Network Event
New network seeks to promote Lasallian mission (ACBC Media Blog)