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Rosanna Capolingua and Charles Curran (CHA)

Catholic Health Australia has paid tribute to two exceptional leaders for their outstanding lifetime contributions to Catholic health care over almost half a century.

Associate Professor Rosanna Capolingua and Charles Curran were named joint recipients of the Sister Maria Cunningham Lifetime Contribution Award at CHA’s Annual Dinner and Awards ceremony in Sydney last night.

CHA chair Jenny Parker said it was the first time the award had been bestowed on two recipients in a single year.

“This is the most significant honour presented in the Catholic health and aged care sector. It recognises those who have made critical contributions to the Church’s mission in health and aged care, inspiring others and enabling the healing love of Jesus to be felt by those in need,” Ms Parker said.

“Rosanna and Charles have shown unwavering dedication to advancing Catholic healthcare and their leadership and commitment has had a profound and lasting impact on countless lives.

“Their contributions have not only strengthened individual Catholic health organisations and improved patient outcomes but have also advanced the entire sector, helping to ensure that Catholic healthcare remains at the forefront of medical excellence while staying true to the core values of our ministry.”

Mr Curran is a philanthropist, company director and businessman, and is currently chair of the Trustees of the St Vincent’s Curran Foundation. He was nominated by St Vincent’s Health Australia.

A highly regarded GP in Western Australia since 1985, Assoc. Professor Capolingua is a former WA and national president of the Australian Medical Association and former chair of the AMA board. She is currently Chair of Child and Adolescent Health Services WA. She was nominated by St John of God Health Care.

The two recipients were named at CHA’s annual conference dinner, which this year, under the theme of ‘Rejoice, Reimagine’, celebrated the long history of service that the healing ministry of Christ embodies, while urging practitioners to rethink the future of Mission-led health and aged care.


Catholic Health Australia recognises two leaders in prestigious award (CHA)