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Australian Catholic University has attracted international students to all of its campuses (ACU)

Australian Catholic University says it is “disappointed” in the Albanese Government’s decision to cap the number of international students.

Education Minister Jason Clare announced on Tuesday the number of international students able to start study at Australian universities and vocational training providers will be capped from next year, ABC News reported.

Under the federal Government’s proposed reform of the sector, the number would be capped at 270,000, with individual limits to be set per institution.

The new cap would set commencements at about 7000 below pre-pandemic levels and about 53,000 below last year, according to government figures. 

Australian Catholic University Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Julie Cogin said that ACU had attracted international students to all of its campuses in recent years. 

“Aside from the many benefits international education brings to Australia’s social and economic fabric, our results illustrate that a culturally diverse student population, including students from Indigenous, international, and domestic backgrounds, creates a rich and vibrant learning experience,” Professor Cogin said.

“We also know that our international students are valuable contributors to the communities in which they are based.

“Since 2023, ACU has grown its international cohort by more than 40 per cent. Importantly, we have kept the proportion of international students below 20 per cent of our total enrolment, ensuring the university is not overly reliant on the fees generated by international students.

“Under the Government proposal, new international student enrolments will be capped at 270,000 from next year – shared across all Australian higher education and vocational education providers.

“The proposed commencing international student load cap for ACU is lower than our current position, which is disappointing given our enrolment profile is aligned with areas of critical skill shortages for Australia.

“I trust that the Government does not wish to constrain the education of healthcare professionals, teachers and youth workers and look forward to further consultation with the Government.”


International student caps (ACU)

International student commencements to be capped at 270,000 next year (ABC News


‘Irrational’: caps cut best overseas students from mix (By Julia Hare, AFR)