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Archbishop Rino Fisichella addresses the Church Up Close seminar (ACBC)

A key papal adviser on Jubilee 2025 says he would welcome Australian dioceses marking the year in a variety of ways. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Archbishop Rino Fisichella also had the global picture in mind when he revealed to a group of media professionals in Rome that the World Bank had offered to hold talks with the Vatican about ways in which debt in some of the poorest countries could be forgiven in 2025.

Archbishop Fisichella, the Pro-Prefect for the Dicastery for Evangelisation, addressed the Church Up Close seminar at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross this week.

He said since its first edition in the year 1300, the Jubilee has been a unique opportunity to strengthen Christian faith.

The key features of the Holy Year will be a calendar of 35 “great events” and the opening of the Holy Door by Pope Francis to officially mark the start of the year.

Pilgrims to Rome will be able to enter the holy doors of a small number of Roman basilicas, recalling the passage from John 10.9: “I am the gate. Whoever enters through me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture.”

Archbishop Fisichella said only the papal major basilicas in Rome could be considered holy doors, not cathedrals in other countries.

Asked whether Australian dioceses could contribute to the Jubilee, he said each bishop had received information about the Jubilee.

They could consider using the various Jubilee “great events” as opportunities to engage especially with young people and the poor.

“It would be beautiful for each diocese to celebrate in different forms – that the Jubilee could be symbolically celebrated,” he said.

The theme of the Jubilee is “Pilgrims of Hope”.

The archbishop said the theme had been chosen because “hope is necessary for life”.

Details: The official website can be found at


Archbishop outlines Jubilee year plans (By Paul Osborne, ACBC Media Blog)


World Bank to Discuss Debt Relief with Vatican for Jubilee Year 2025 (Broken Bay Diocese)

Synod on Synodality – Actions Not Just Words (Broken Bay Diocese)