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Sydney’s Walk for Life in 2023 (Supplied)

While pro-life advocacy has typically been a Catholic affair, pro-life group Love Sydney is showing that the defence of life can attract support from across Christian denominations. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

The Walk for Life, a pro-life gathering organised by Love Sydney, will see advocates and supporters gather in Hyde Park on September 21.

Now in its second year, the peaceful demonstration calls all pro-life advocates to show up in defence of “unborn babies who cannot speak for themselves.”  

“The main message we’re trying to send is that every child deserves a chance at life. We want to push that to the community,” Nathalia Monteiro, one of this year’s organisers, said. 

Among the speakers will be Campion College’s Stephen Chavura, author and commentator for Spectator Australia and The Australian, and Dana Copp, the executive director of unplanned pregnancy centre Zoe’s Place. 

The Walk for Life will also feature testimonies from those who once considered abortion. 

Ruby Morris* seriously considered abortion when she and her husband found out she was pregnant.  

Their decision shifted when they came across the Hope House website, a pregnancy centre designed to support those challenged by pregnancy. 

“We rang them and they gave us advice on having a baby, that everything happening was part of God’s decision,” Ms Morris said. 

“Me and my partner decided to follow their advice and I do believe this was his sign of helping me to trust him more.” 

Hope House helped Ms Morris through the entire ordeal, taking her to appointments and supporting her emotional needs. 

She and her husband are proud parents of a baby boy, now two years old. 

“Since calling, it made me realise that having a baby is a blessing. There’s always hope, even if you think that you don’t.” 

*Name changed to protect privacy.


Sydney’s walk for life (By George Al-Akiki, The Catholic Weekly)