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A scene from The Wild Robot (IMBD)

Fans of Peter Brown’s 2016 illustrated novel The Wild Robot, will be delighted to see this film version of the robot who cares for an orphaned gosling. Source: Australian Catholics.

In fact, delight has been the response of audiences to The Wild Robot – and also of many critics.

The film has been written and directed by Chris Sanders, best known for The Croods series and, especially, the charming action story, How to Train Your Dragon.

The robot Rozzum 7134, abbreviated to Roz, is voiced by Lupita Nyong’o. After a shipwreck, Roz is stranded on an island teeming with wildlife.

Roz is re-booted and has a strong sense of mission but the animals are fearful and do not respond well.

Two engaging characters emerge, a gosling bereft of family who gets the nickname Brightbill (Kit Connor) and an engaging fox, Fink (Pedro Pascal, enjoying himself) whom nobody on screen likes but who becomes a great favourite with the audience.

While robots have no emotions, Roz learns more and more from its animal friends, including how to stand up for itself against corporate executives and other robots.

The Wild Robot: Starring the voices of Lupita Nyong’o, Pedro Pascal, Kit Connor, Bill Nighy, Stephanie Hsu, Matt Berry, Ving Rhames, Mark Hamill, Catherine O’Hara. Directed by Chris Sanders. 101 minutes. Rated PG (Mild themes and animated violence)


The Wild Robot (Australian Catholics)