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Nagle College Blacktown students lead a special religious education class in a local public primary school (Catholic Outlook/Nagle College)

Parramatta Catholic secondary school students are embracing the chance to celebrate their faith with others, taking on the role of special religious education catechist in state primary schools. Source: Catholic Outlook

For this group of Nagle College Blacktown students, teaching their younger peers about the Catholic faith and helping to guide them in their spiritual journeys has proven to be both inspiring and satisfying.

The school has 16 year 10 students taking part in the SRE program each week. The students have chosen to give up their school sports time to teach religious education to students in two local primary schools: Blacktown South and Shelley Public Schools.

The students plan, resource, and teach the lessons themselves. 

This important ministry not only educates the younger children about God, knowing Jesus and being Catholic, but also brings the Nagle students closer together and strengthens their own faith.

Elizabeth, one of Nagle’s SRE student leaders, said being involved in the program was a valuable experience.

“I grew up with stories, testimonies, and beliefs taught to me by my parents, teachers, and peers,” she said.

“Doing SRE means I get to share exactly what I was taught with little children who are the age I was when I learned all these wonderful things.

“This experience is extra special because these children love to learn about Jesus, too.”

The students are supported with training and teaching resources including manuals and workbooks by Parramatta Diocese’s Confraternity of Christian Doctrine and the college provides them with any physical items they might need such as Bibles and Rosary beads.


Students become the next crop of Religious Education teachers (By Samantha Rich, Catholic Outlook)