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Bishop Charles Gauci, second left, and Bishop Emeritus Eugene Hurley, third left, with Pope Francis and Timorese Church leaders in Dili last month (Supplied)

Darwin Bishop Charles Gauci has reflected on the “bonds of faith and friendship” between his diocese and Timor-Leste, which he says were reinforced during Pope Francis’s visit to the country last month. Source: Darwin Diocese.

Timor-Leste was one of four countries in Asia and Oceania the Pope visited as part of his 12-day apostolic journey to Asia and Oceania. Bishop Gauci went to Dili for the papal visit. 

“There has been a long-standing and cherished connection between the Diocese of Darwin and the Dioceses of Dili, Baucau, and Maliana, which I was privileged to help foster during this recent visit,” Bishop Gauci said. 

“The bonds of faith and friendship between us and the people of Timor-Leste are deep and enduring, and this visit reinforced that connection in a truly profound way.

“To witness firsthand the incredible expression of faith by the Timorese people as they welcomed Pope Francis to Dili was nothing short of remarkable.”

Bishop Gauci said he “felt honoured to be part of an event that will be remembered as one of the most significant in the country’s history since its independence”. 

“The enthusiasm and hope that surrounded the Pope’s visit was contagious, with people from all walks of life chanting ‘Viva Pope Francisco’ as he shared his message of peace, unity, and solidarity,” he said. 

“It was a moment that truly captured the universality of the Church – a Church built on love, shared faith, and the promise of a better future for all people.

“As we continue to deepen our ties with the Archdiocese of Dili and Timor-Leste, I remain inspired by the strength and spirit of the Timorese people.

“This visit was a reaffirmation of the bonds that unite us in faith, and I look forward to further collaboration and fellowship between our dioceses in the years to come.”


Statement from Bishop Charles Gauci, Bishop of Darwin and the Northern Territory, on his recent visit to Dili and meeting with Pope Francis (Darwin Diocese)