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The Rosary campaign will take place on October 18 (ACN)

As conflict rages worldwide, one million children are set to storm heaven with prayer. Source: OSV News.

On October 18, Aid to the Church in Need will host its annual “One million children praying the Rosary” campaign, inviting children – as well as families, parishes, catechists and teachers – to join in reciting the Rosary that day, pledging their intention to do so at ACN’s dedicated website for the initiative,

The website also features numerous resources, such as prayer kits and reflections for the Rosary, in 15 languages.

ACN – which since 1947 has worked under the guidance of the Pope to provide pastoral and humanitarian assistance to persecuted Catholics, managing 5000 projects in more than 145 countries each year – will dedicate this year’s effort to interceding for peace and unity.

“There are so many hot spots in the world,” Edward Clancy, ACN’s US-based director of outreach, said. 

“It’s really a time when the Church needs to be united and we need to pray for peace. Those are the two core principles of the Rosary campaign.”

More than 120 armed conflicts – including the widening Israel-Hamas war and Russia’s 10-year war on Ukraine – are taking place around the world, involving over 60 states and 120 non-state armed groups, according to the International Committee of the Red Cross, which provides humanitarian aid to, and promotes laws protecting, victims of war.

Since the prayer campaign began in 2005, ACN has offered the Rosary on October 18, the feast of St Luke the Evangelist, whose Gospel contains several passages featuring Mary.

Mr Clancy noted that in 2024, that date falls on a Friday, when the Rosary’s Sorrowful Mysteries, which recount Christ’s passion and death, are traditionally recited – and the coincidence is a poignant one “especially with all that’s going on” in the world. 

“The Sorrowful Mysteries are the ones we should be praying during these current conditions,” he said.


Faith of children, power of prayer combine in million-strong Rosary (By Gina Christian, OSV News)