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Resources for the National Day of Sorrow and Promise are available on the CRA website (CRA)

Catholic Religious Australia will hold an hour of remembrance on Sunday as religious communities across Australia unite in prayer for victims and survivors of sexual abuse.

Established in 2018, the CRA National Day of Sorrow and Promise acts as a symbol and annual rallying call to religious and their associates to remember the painful lessons of the past and the need to be vigilant about the work required to ensure that the Church is always a safe and lifegiving environment for children and vulnerable adults.

Each year, CRA creates a National Day of Sorrow and Promise prayer service for religious congregations to be prayed in local settings, as well as being shared more widely with their associates, parishes and ministries.

“It’s one hour together, on one day, across the nation – religious, united in prayer for victims of sexual abuse and renewing their commitment to the safeguarding reforms of the Catholic Church,” Anne Walker, CRA’s national executive director, said.

“The theme for this year is ‘Widen the Circle of Our Hearts’. It includes words from Scripture and from Pope Francis that reflect both the woundedness and hope of the human heart, words that are both challenging and consoling.”

CRA’s acting president, Sr Philippa Murphy, said the annual prayer hour reminds religious congregations “that we are together in this path of repentance and recommitment”.

 “Our prayer speaks as one voice that cries out to God and says ‘no’ to the sins of the past and ‘yes’ to a culture of life and care for the vulnerable”.

The prayer resource for the 2024 National Day of Sorrow and Promise is accessible at CRA’s website and can be freely downloaded for use in Church circles.


Catholic Religious Australia holds seventh National Day of Sorrow and Promise (CRA)